Previously, the ecoSENTRY application supported a mix of internal (on-board T:LAN sensor) and external temperature and humidity sensors (OneWire enviroSENSOR). Starting with V3.05C, the ecoSENTRY app now also supports MODBUS based temperature and humidity sensing.
The following configuration option has been added:
The temperature and humidity readings from the HUM-W sensor will now be shown in the same spot the enviroSENSOR ws-7 display usually appears: on the ecoSENTRY main dashboard display, on the right hand side, below the QUICK STATS. The ecoSENTRY app cycles periodically through these three stages:
The display will use color to indicate alarm/normal states:
The application polls the HUM-W sensor on the top of the hour, and every 5 minutes thereafter.
Since the HUM-W sensor requires about 35s to boot/power up, the app delays the first reading of the sensor. Once probed, the following log entries will show up in the lower part of the screen:
If the ecoSENTRY app cannot find the sensor or loses communication, then the following entry will be logged:
The ecoSENTRY app will monitor and report any threshold crossings as follows:
Each log entry becomes part of the daily log files on drive B:. In addition, the sensor readings will also be entered every 5min in the daily records files (also on drive B:) under the corresponding enviroSENSOR columns. This creates 288 data points/day, and 2,016 data points per week.
Optima, Inc.